Showing posts with label Excerpts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Excerpts. Show all posts

Friday 15 January 2016

The Parts of Speech

This is truly good to know... I know I do... a reminder to self :-)
Unfortunately, I found this on Facebook so can't credit the creative person who wrote this.

Monday 7 December 2015

The 3 - 7 - 14 shopping rule

Something to ponder on which is actually quite true! Hopefully, it can help to reduce the hoarding issue :-) Also helping in the quest to be a  minimalist!

Thursday 5 November 2015

A story for crafter's

Crafter's, take heed! This is so true!

I've personally experienced it before and I also noticed that majority of the humans think like this lady. Our blood, sweat and tears should not be accorded for the likes of her. Mind you, we are not machines ya... we spent our precious time crafting the best we could to provide the best masterpiece for YOU! We should be paid for our hard earned time and effort like how we are paid working in an office as a receptionist or data entry or telephonist.

So non creative humans,
Please do remember to pay for our hard earned time and effort. We did not spent our time doing nothing. We can't be charging peanuts for a handmade masterpiece too. Thank you.
P/S: Someone shared this in Facebook but I can't recall where so am not able to credit it :-(

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Tuesday 1 September 2015

A healthy diet and lifestyle from now onwards

I am slowly learning and embracing a healthy lifestyle albeit a treacherous and difficult journey. Especially since hub's has hypertension, which ran in his side of the family, so the need to control and manage it is important.

Malaysian food, although delicious and tasty, is filled with lots of oil, salt, sugar, MSG and a whole bunch more unhealthy stuff. We have to eat healthily, observing the labels more especially when we buy packed food.

As I cook during weekends, now I have to learn to cook differently, using more herbs and natural ingredients for a more healthy balance diet. I've also learnt more about edible plants that I can grow via the various Facebook group channels which is really helpful.

For example, instead of using salt to taste, I've substituted it with basil and mixed herbs when I cooked this 'ABC Soup' :-)
Certainly tastier with fresh basil from my garden
My first herb: Basil
I also found this on Pinterest, which looked helpful
So from this day forth, a new resolution to live and eat healthily. Also, I am going to practice the KonMari Method of de-cluttering for a minimalist, welcoming and comfortable home so fingers crossed! I'll definitely share and post my journey here so for those who are interested can read and pick up a tip or 2!

Friday 28 August 2015

Are you a Librocubicularist?

I know I'm not as I'll eventually falls asleep with the book no matter how exciting it is LOL!

Thursday 11 June 2015


Having a withdrawal syndrome after a short getaway LOL! So here's a meaningful quote to uplift a tormenting Thursday!

Monday 23 March 2015


Finally, a validation that I'm normal, not a hoarder! LOL! Just can't resists sharing this!

Well, I love books and whenever I'm in a bookshop, I truly felt like I'm in heaven! Honest to goodness, I can just browse and loaf in a bookshop for hours without feeling lonely... in fact, I actually felt at home. This is just me.

So when I finally discovered KL Book Exchange Club (you can search and join this private group in Facebook if you love books and reading) in Facebook, I was ecstatic! So many like minded souls in 1 group! It's so refreshing to learn something new, meet new friends, exchanging ideas and even discussing books! I know, I admit that I'm a bookworm but, hey, I have a life! How about you?

My kinda equation: book / haberdashery + coffee = heaven

Thursday 19 March 2015

Quote of the day

My favourite quote which helps me up and think positive whenever I feel down and demotivated.

It came to mind again today as I honestly felt lost... without guidance... no validation... no affirmation. Why? This question keeps hovering over my mind. Should I continue? Should I stop? I am not a creative individual and without a marketing background as such it is difficult for me to proceed further, continue with my part-time business. At times, I just need that little nudge of validation so that I know I am on the right path but alas...

I know it is right to always proceed with what my gut tells me but being a fickle-minded person, I tend to think a lot which makes me indecisive. Hence such nudges would be greatly appreciated. It is hard for me without a clue on how to move on... if my decision is right... if I should still pursue this as the market is getting cold and the buying power seems to dissipate with GST looming over. I still have loads of stocks hence not continuing seems to be out of the question for now... sigh!

Decisions... decisions... decisions...

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Something to laugh about...

Saw someone shared this on Facebook LOL! Something to laugh about during this stressed midweek ^.*

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Tuesday 14 October 2014

A glass of wine a day

I love wine! I may not know the differences but I do know how to enjoy it ^.^ Anyway here are some healthy facts:
Taken from Wine Talk Malaysia's Facebook page.

Friday 29 August 2014

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Chic & Elegant Daily

Super excited when I've been featured here for sharing Nina Garcia's milestone! I know this is just a small potato but I sure was happy about it!

Thanks Marie-Anne for the tweet ^.^

You can read more News, Tips & Articles on Chic & Elegance here:

Thursday 17 July 2014


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