Thursday 28 April 2011

I’m a Pirate, Take Me To Stranger Tides!

I’m not a Pirate fan but I would love to get my hands on those lovely exclusive set of 3 bottles of OPI Lacquer & Essential Manicure & Pedicure Service worth RM297 each!!!


I do envy being a pirate though, based on the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow, if it’s a true portrayal of a pirate ^.^

One… I would love a parrot as a pet… especially a talking one! A pet who I can talk to, confide to whenever I needed someone to talk to. I can train it to keep secrets too! How cool is that?!


Two… a pirate will never leave his ship without it’s treasure chest! Yes! A chest full of pearls, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, gold, etc… my own treasure chest! Yippee! Oops! It should be said in a deep voice ‘All mine! All mine! Ha! Ha! Ha!’


Last but not least, the adventures that came along with being a pirate… I can travel the world, the seven seas, without any worries of passport, transportation and all. Well, 1 thing for sure, I have my own ship, my own expert crews and endless funds so I can decide where to go, when to leave and plan what to do! Ain’t that cool???!!!



Name: Captain Sholee

Occupation: Pirate

Address: The Earth

Looks good… sounds cool too… eh mate???!!!

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