Tuesday 13 December 2016

My frst BBW preview sale experience!

I've been to the first Big Bad Wolf (BBW) sale previously, didn't know it then, at Dataran Hamodal many moons ago and I was truly blown away by it! It was my first experience with remainder books and the prices were so affordable. Little did I know then it would evolve to be a big, huge sale event it is today!

Since they have shifted their sales location to MIECC, I've never had a chance to go there as it is too far for me. Also the area is not convenient to travel to via public transport and it is also terribly jam! However, this year, I've finally scored 2 preview passes to attend the most happening event of the year! All thanks to KLBAC and BBW team, I could bring my family along since 2 preview passes admit 4! Thankfully, hubby was also willing to drive us there, knowing how much I was looking forward to it :-) So when the day arrived, I was feeling hyper! LOL!
Loving this preview pass' design!
I left work early and headed to MIECC after lunch and hub's settled his work. As it was the preview day, the traffic was not as bad with easy parking and it was a comfortable experience. The place was cooling and the spacing was just nice with all the islands labelled accordingly. I was able to browse through all except for a couple of other sections as we wanted to leave by 6pm, before the peak hour started. Hub's managed to snap a couple of pics whilst I was busy browsing and searching for what I wanted!
A panorama shot
A bird's eye view shot
Halfway through, hubs realised the payment queue was extremely long so he started queuing while I continued to browse as much as I could. Leaving the trolley with him was the best as I could browse even faster! Too fast that I've missed out on Hollow City! *wallowing in self pity* It is on my shopping list but I honestly do not know how could I have overlooked it! I guess we were not fated to find each other that day... sigh!
Took this when I've joined hub and angels in the queue
All in all, I was truly a happy bibliophile! I've managed to score some books I've been eyeing though I've missed out on Hollow City! The prices this time around is pretty steep, perhaps due to the currency exchange with the low RM. I'm truly grateful that hubs was willing to ferry us to and fro though angels were the ones complaining I'm buying so many books again!!! Unlucky me, my kids do not share the love of books with me... #firstworldpains

After removing some from my initial loot, this is my humble haul. I would have gotten more if the prices were not as expensive... hint hint #PRM5F
Please excuse the ugly background
So I'll be on 'book buying fast' in year 2017... perhaps breaking the fast during #PRM5F in December. I must concentrate on clearing my TBR piles as it's getting taller and taller! *fingers crossed* FYI, some fell on me the other day hence it has awaken my senses... LOL!

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