Wednesday 10 April 2019

Phuket 2019: My delayed Air Asia experience

Apologies for the short hiatus. Life got in the way and I've been busy ever since! What with Nyc Nat Nook's move from offline to online and all those stocks to shift and store! Plus health has taken it's toll and all! Even reading has taken a backseat with orders coming in! I've accumulated many thoughts, been wanting to post but I just don't have the time nor mindset to do it...

Anyway, here's my brief thought on our recent flight to Phuket. I think it's the most common - or shall I say - No.1 complaint Air Asia would have received.... nothing new... it's all about flight delayed.

It's so unfortunate that this time around, both our flights to and from Phuket were delayed. It does sound frustrating and definitely wasted our time but it was unavoidable I guess.

During our flight to Phuket, we have boarded the plane but the pilot had detected some anomaly in the water (whichever is that) section and had gotten the engineers to check. Half an hour had passed when they decided that we should switched to another plane. However, we had to go to the other end of the terminal to board!!! So troublesome lugging our hand carry luggage!!! Upon arriving, we still had to wait for awhile before boarding. Finally, we were ready to board and take flight, phew!!!

I know it was so damn frustrating and all but I do applaud the pilot for this. Who knows what could have happened when we were air borne??? I dare not think of a 'final destination' scenario! I'm just glad that the pilot had detected it and decided we should switched planes when it's taking too long for repair. There were quite a number of people complaining loudly but all I could say is, if you can't take such hassle, please don't take budget flights. Please take MAS or other full priced flights and I assumed you won't encounter much hassle. Your entitled self might appreciate the extra service there too.

On our way back, our flight was delayed for more than an hour due to another flight which was late. This definitely was unavoidable too as they have to follow airport protocol. However it was unpleasant to wait as the airport was filled with those 'stranded' passengers who were such rambunctious bunch and the whole place felt like a 'pasar malam' (night market)!!! I can't even concentrate on reading my e-book as they were such a noisy, annoying lot!!! Oh well, once their plane arrived, the whole airport was back to it's quiet, cool pace =.= Unbelievable right?!!!

Oh well, nothing else to share this time around except those 'delayed experience' during this travel. Will definitely post the highlights of our trip when I'm free. In the meantime...

Thank you, Air Asia, for the safe travel thus far!

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