Thursday 19 March 2020

RMO: Day 2

A very happy birthday to my dear baby boy! He's 18 today but we are in a lockdown so no celebration this time. Just being home, spending quality time together is much more meaningful in fact. Light bantering and laughter, life's most precious medicine! Hubby also cooked lunch, in a way to celebrate, especially for the birthday boy! I'm sure it is a memorable one, not only for him but for all of us too LOL! Creating lovely memories is much more valuable than gifts itself, in my opinion.
Another work from home day, laptop has been crashing down as usual though much lesser than yesterday. I'm getting the hang of it but I do missed my reading times in the train. Yes, I'm one of those weird ones who reads during commute. My 'me time' so to speak LOL! Anyway, lets pray and hope this pandemic curve will be flatten and we can proceed with our daily lives again... soon.

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