Monday 23 March 2020

RMO: Day 6

If you would like to know what I did during the weekend i.e. day 4 and 5, you can view from my Instagram account :-)

Another day working from home, another day stayed lock-up. The furthest I went was to the rubbish bin outside LOL! Getting the hang of it but I do missed my reading time in the commute. Reading has definitely slowed down even though I am excited to finish it soon. Oh well, we can't expect to have everything our way during this period.....

Happy to have cleared up some of my collections though not as much as I would have wanted to. Hoarding is something I must eliminate and make way, donate or discard but the heart says 'spark joy'! How lah like that??? At least it's a good progress from 5 boxes to 3! Still have more to go!

So how's your Restricted Movement Order working out for you thus far?

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