Tuesday 24 March 2020

RMO: Day 7

Another busy yet fulfilling day. Loving the weather too where it's sunny and hot during the day then turned thunderstorm during the night. It sure makes the day more productive and then we can rest and relax during the night. Truly makes sense during this Restricted Movement Order or Movement Control Order. Being home sure makes learning new things much easier to absorb too albeit some miscommunication but in the end, it's done and case closed.

Anyway, there could be an extension to this RMO which I don't mind. Being an introvert, I'm loving being home always. Unfortunately for my extrovert friends, they are getting bored LOL!!! Seeing their daily Instagram or Facebook posts of things they were trying to do to fill their time with was funny! Although most of it consisted of homecooked meals... macam lah tak pernah cook at home before but then... to each their own. Since I have to work from home so nothing extraordinary from me LOL!

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