Tuesday 20 June 2023

Mask on or mask off?

Lately, I've seen so many inconsistencies and insensitivity on wearing face masks in public. It all boils down to the individual's civic conscious and mindset. This is what I have observed, and it has irked me a lot, but I don't have a license to kill so I am ranting it here. It sure looks like the pandemic and lockdown have caused more humans to become more inconsiderate and more brainless. 

1. I've seen one in the supermarket during checkout where the cashier who was masked up asking the customer if he wants plastic bag. Me standing at the next counter could hear the cashier clearly but this customer who was without mask could not hear him and started berating the cashier. He claimed that he couldn't hear the cashier as it sounded muffled with the mask on! Err I don't have any superpower, but I can hear the cashier clearly! It was honestly either that customer doesn't understand English, or he hasn't been cleaning his ear! Anyway, ''plastic bag'' is understandable especially in supermarkets, so I think it is more of his hearing problem and attitude. Just because you don't wear a mask, it doesn't mean that everybody else should be mask free. We have our own believes and priorities. I pitied the cashier who was just doing his job correctly.

2. I take the public transport daily, so it is the norm to wear face mask as we are all in a closed confined vicinity. We do not wish to be a super spreader and spread Covid 19, in case we are asymptomatic, or getting the virus from someone unknowingly. Even the PA in the train repeatedly announced that it is compulsory to wear a face mask during such commute. Unfortunately, it has slowly being ignored and slowly quite a number of humans don't wear face masks, even when they are sick. I honestly cannot understand why they like to sneeze or cough in public, spreading all the viruses to the innocent people around them. Have they forgotten their civic where they are supposed to cover their nose or mouth? If they are wearing face mask, then it is fine lah but they are mask free. So damn freaking brainless and selfish!!! 

There are more but this 2 are the distinct ones in mind currently. With more and more who defy the rules, it truly is difficult and worrisome. I do not wish to scar my clean negative record and also do not wish to spread it to my loved ones at home. I hate it when I have to endure all these selfish humans' inconsiderate mindset. I honestly cannot fathom what goes through their thin mindset, likely damaged by too many gadgets... just like what Einstein has predicted way back then:

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