Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 June 2020

To continue or not to continue my domain name

I have just received an email notification that my domain name,, needs to be renewed. It costs $15.16 yearly, which is approximately RM65. I have had this name for a whole 10 years and I am wondering now if I should continue it or terminate it. I used to think that having a domain name sounds cool. Yep, it sounds lame but young innocent me then finds it glamorous to have one LOL! After 10 years with not much monetisation and increasing money exchange, it has me doubting if I should continue it. Also I am thinking of changing the platform. Still sticking to free platform as I do not want to spend extra just for hosting a personal blog. However I am still keen to continue blogging so no thoughts of stopping it as yet.

My blog is not generating as much money or a stable income. As such, paying RM65 yearly is a lot in my books. If it is generating at least RM50 yearly, I wouldn't mind then to renew since it would deemed as self sufficient. However, it is not hence my doubts.

As it's a personal blog, it does not have a niche hence a mixture of lifestyle and reviews. I'm not a KOL nor a famous influencer so spending money on a domain name is more of syiok sendiri LOL! RM65 can be used for many other things aside from a domain name!

When I bought this domain name, I wasn't exposed much to local registrars as such I have signed up with a US company. Looking back, I should have done more homework before signing up as I would have preferred to sign up with a well reputable and yet affordable local company which is aligned with my 'support local' belief. So I did some Googling but there are not many and it is quite costly compared to my current one. Also I've not heard of them so a little insecure pulak!

How now, brown cow? Do you have any recommendations? What is your take on this menial thought?

Thursday 21 May 2020

RMO: day 65 CMCO: day 18

Another hot and busy day, I have finally reached a point where I have nothing to write about. My mind is blank except for some thankful and grateful thoughts, triggered by a dear friend's thoughtfulness when she messaged me. I am so thankful to have her as my friend. Aside from the faint pain ebbing from my chipped molar tooth, I am also thankful for having a salaried job, grateful for a roof over my head, thankful for food on the table and grateful that my family is with me during this pandemic time. 

So this will be the last of my RMO/MCO/CMCO post, mostly because my routine is the same almost everyday and I will only post when I do have an irregular day. During this CMCO, I have only been out of the house 3 times thus far i.e. twice visiting my family doctor and once for playing Pokemon Go with my family LOL! Nothing much to write about my dull life except for my melancholy thoughts and wandering mind which I find it quite boring too so better to stop than to bore all of you out there LOL!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

RMO: day 64 CMCO: day 17

The weather this morning was gloomy and raining hence triggered my melancholy mood. Then I realised my chipped molar has started to ache :-( Gosh, I never liked going to a dentist! You could have read my previous post of my sad history with dentists. Found it, you can read it here:

Well, have to tahan first lah while I try to calm down my phobic self. I thought I was over the fear but no, it returned instantly! Looks like I'll have to do some crafting in the evening after finishing work these few days. Yes, crafting has a calming effect for me. Anyway, I've been resting my arms and shoulder as it's been aching due to my laptop's position - laptop high and hanging so can't rest my arms while typing. So have to probably opt for cross-stitch which can be done lower or resting on a pillow. A self-reminding mantra: stay calm, cool, collected and no fear.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

RMO: day 63 CMCO: day 16

Gosh! It has been a very very very hot day! My laptop was really hot and the weather was extremely burning! I am so thankful to have air-con at home. I know I'm pampered but mind you, I only switched on my AC when it is truly burning! If I can tahan with the fan, then I'll stick to it until when I can't stand it anymore then only switched on the AC. Must save and conserve whenever possible.

Anyway, remember my previous post about my first Shopee experience? You can read it here:

Well, hubby actually ordered Minnie's treats way earlier i.e. early April. It was during the initial RMO/MCO so we couldn't go out more than 10KM and our housing area doesn't have a pet shop selling dog food and treats. We have ran low of supply and noticed that neighbours have been receiving their parcels daily so hubby decided to purchase online via Shopee. He has ordered through and the delivery date provided was 2 or 3 weeks later, I can't recall. I was aghast though as we needed it fast and the date provided was later than anticipated. Hubby reasoned it's probably due to the lockdown plus it's not considered as essential items so we waited patiently. When they had delayed it yet again, hubby messaged them. There was no response nor reason given. In the end, hubby gave up and thought his order has gone cold turkey. Suddenly, there was movement last week and happy that it was packed and posted! After what happened with my order last week, I didn't have high hopes for this order lah. Lo and behold, it has finally arrived safely today after waiting for more than 1 month!!!
Arrived safely and nicely packed
This was delivered via J&T Express, so much difference as compared to Poslaju. I would like to think that if my earlier order was delivered by J&T, it would have arrived as nice as this and no complaints from me except for the huge delay.

Also I noticed that most of the deliveries to my neighbours are via LEL Express which was managed by Lazada. So it got me thinking that we should have bought via Lazada instead of Shopee. The reliability is of utmost important to me be it the shop or the delivery partner.

Honestly, if the shops or Shopee couldn't fulfil the orders as usual then they should highlight it upfront on their respective banners! It is so misleading with the many adverts and free delivery hokay! Also please provide an answer as the silent treatment was totally uncalled for. This lockdown was your opportunity to shine but the opposite has happened instead. Many first timers like me would definitely turned away from this unsavoury experience. Leaning on the reviews alone is definitely out of the question now. 

I definitely have learned a lot being a customer alone and I have diligently updated my own website. This is a MUST if you asked me. I may not received much reviews for my online shop but at least I have done an ethical job and served my customers right. No regrets here!

Monday 18 May 2020

RMO: day 62 CMCO: day 15

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed with gastric this morning. Maybe it's the Monday blues but I honestly didn't feel good. How to go on MC lah while working from home? I definitely felt like curling up on the bed trying to sooth my poor upset tummy. So many restrictions from the Health Ministry until I'm not sure which I can do. The clinic I go to is more than 10 KM away and I have to pass the toll to get there. There are clinics nearer to me but my record is with this clinic more than 10 KM away plus I trust this doctor more. Not sure if you have the same thinking as me but I prefer going to my family doctor than any other GP. Anyway, took some probiotic and thus far no purging whatsoever lah *fingers crossed*

Friday 15 May 2020

RMO: day 59 CMCO: day 12

Finally, after taking a breather and calmed down from this evening's "excitement", it's TGIF! Can't wait to start gardening, crafting and reading tomorrow!

However, I have to add exercising into my weekend routine now. Doctor's order as he detected my heart is not pumping as well from my medical report. I have to do brisk walking for at least 10 mins twice a week. A chore I can't deny nor ignore. Not forgetting I have to change my diet a little plus drinking more fluids. Little changes to enable a much healthier me...... hopefully.

My first experience shopping online via Shopee

My first online purchase via Shopee was on 24/4/2020 as I was running out of some prayer items and we were under RMO/MCO. I've ordered 4 items (qty: 7) for a total of RM51.31 with free delivery. Unfortunately, it was delayed and delayed and delayed. Sadly I kept seeing Shopee's advertisement on TV too that we should shop via online during this pandemic and have our orders delivered to our doorsteps. Too good to be true lah!

When I was about to give up and asked hubby to check on the delay, the order was finally packed and sent to Poslaju. After a while, it was at the hub waiting to be delivered. And then, it FINALLY arrived today!!! 15/5/2020!!! After 3 weeks and in such a condition!!!
Battered and bruised and opened!


If you or your shops cannot cope with the orders then please, by all means, please stop promoting your website lah Shopee! There was not much update about the delays but Shopee still keep on promoting their website. I honestly regretted big time buying from Shopee! It was my first and definitely my last!

This is definitely a test for Poslaju and how their staffs coped during this pandemic. I understand the surge in deliveries and all but if my order had arrived peacefully albeit delayed, I wouldn't be complaining here right??? It sure looks like the staffs are not happy working and took it out on our deliveries!!! If your staff and company cannot withstand this then please remove your service from the counter.

I needed those items for my prayers especially the missing ones but it sure looks like I have to apologise to God again. Initial apology was for finished but not yet replenished as delayed but now, it's for missing and never delivered.

Hubby has ordered another item from Shopee,, way before mine and it has not even been delivered until today. No response, no update. Another disappointment brewing it seems. Lets hope it arrived safely and correctly lah.

Thursday 14 May 2020

RMO: day 58 CMCO: day 11

Today is my sis' birthday, celebrating her first in the new normal LOL!

Wednesday 13 May 2020

RMO: day 57 CMCO: day 10

Feeling melancholy again today. Not sure what to make of it. Just trying to think positive and trying to be happy about it. Work is slowly encroaching into my personal space as such I'm slowly disliking working from home. I draw a very clear line as I didn't want to be mentally stressed unnecessary. I used to be in that situation when I work for a multi-national company and I had bouts of eczema plus stress related sickness. Aside from being bullied by my ex-boss, I left due to my mental and health issues. And now, it has slowly returned and haunt me. That 'sick' feeling is back. I'm unsure how to go about it in this pandemic time. Being an introvert, I love working from home initially when work is work, home time is home time. However, as office is still close as company doesn't want to bear the medical cost in case we got infected with Covid-19 during our travel to/fro work, we still continue to work from home but due to the economic paranoid and more than 2 months MCO, the line is slowly blurring. I am thankful I still have a paying job and I understand we need more business coming in to survive the economy but the blurring line and all is making me 'sick'. I know some may say I've been pampered too much and all but this is my current state of mind. How now, brown cow? 

Tuesday 12 May 2020

RMO: day 56 CMCO: day 9

Today's figure, gotten from KKM's Facebook page:

Alas........ CMCO has been extended for another 4 weeks until June 9th, 2020.

Expected as they have to stop people from balik kampung for the festivities and school holidays. I would think it will be fully lifted by then but with a strict exit strategy to ensure it doesn't spike up again.

Anyway, been seeing quotes that says 'be positive or don't think too much, just do what makes me happy' something to this effect. However, not everyone is born with a silver spoon. We still have to work to earn a living and pay the bills... even if it's doing something I hate. Honestly, how to stay happy then? I truly envy most of my friends who are doing what they love and are happy with their working lives. I so wished I'm doing the same too but then... alas... 

Oh yes, I'm grateful and happy with my family, don't get me wrong ya... am also thankful to have a paid job. I guess I can't have everything I yearned for, just have to live with it then.

Friday 8 May 2020

RMO: Day 52 CMCO: Day 5

What a day it has been! Busy as a bee but still can't wait for the day to end and weekend to start! It's a long weekend by the way with Monday being a Public Holiday! This month end would be Hari Raya Puasa, time surely flew by so fast! 

Anyway, been waiting for Health Minitry's 'exit strategy' as this phase's RMO/MCO is ending next Tuesday but no sound no picture so far. We have now entered Conditional MCO (CMCO) from 4th May so wondering if it will be lifted soon enough so that we can leave the house without much worry, wondering when we will finally win the COVID-19 battle too.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

RMO: Day 50 CMCO: Day 3

Wow! We have reached the big 50! Still the same old routine with work in the morning and some reading or crafting at night. Nothing has changed much but I've missed my second Bakawali blooming last night. Only able to see the tail end of it this morning!
Such a lovely and exquisite bloom! Wished that it could have last a little longer though. I've seen the first bud bloom at midnight few months back and I've thoroughly enjoyed it amidst the mossie bites and all. I've always enjoyed seeing all the flowers in my garden blooming as it's a spark joy experience indeed!

Also, we had our first 'tapau' food for lunch today! Our first takeaway on day 50 mind you. Mine was dried curry noodle but it felt off a little, maybe due to it's oiliness and saltiness. I didn't quite enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed previously, incomparable to home-cooked meals for sure. Oh well, I'll have to endure the same once I've started going back to office so better to think less of it and enjoy life at home much more lah for now!

Tuesday 5 May 2020

RMO: Day 49 CMCO: Day 2

I have been diligently noting down my thoughts here for 49 days thus far! Except for weekends and public holidays lah! I was hoping to realise what it is like to work from home and also the experience of being cooped up at home every single day, jotting down the nitty gritty of it since this is the new normal. Unfortunately, nothing much happens except for my crafty weekends which you can view through my Instagram LOL! Oh well, I'll still continue to post it until my work from home routine ends lah........ most likely next week. Just for the fun of it :-)

Anyway, aside from work, nothing much happened today. Hubby went for grocery shopping, son has classes online, daughter playing with Minnie and MIL watched her daily musicals and news on TV. Same old, same old in the new normal era.

Monday 4 May 2020

RMO: Day 48 CMCO: Day 1

After being cooped up for 48 days, I'm sure by now most of us would have a wishlist of what to do once this lockdown is lifted. I've heard of some who wants to go travelling or get a haircut or visit a dentist or etc. Mine is just pure simple........ FOOD!!!

Mamak teh tarik
Tealive milk tea with bubble
Starbucks Iced Latte
Nasi Paprik
Nasi goreng kampung
Mee goreng mamak

Honestly the list can go on and on and on! LOL!

Anyway, I just realised I have this blog for so long and it's been a while since I've revamped it. So I guess it's time for me to tinker it and also re-look at it's purpose and niche. I always like to rojak everything but it looks like it's not faring as well plus a lot of advice given that I should have a niche. So it's time to put on my thinking cap and revamp this blog. If anything doesn't looks good, please bear with me ya........ there could be hiccups here and there.

P/S: we have now entered Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) phase, no longer RMO/MCO with effect today. May the 4th be with you!

Thursday 30 April 2020

RMO: Day 44

I'm excited that tomorrow is a Public Holiday! Labour Day it is so I can sleep to glory LOL! Anyway, just thought of sharing my daily routine for both weekdays and weekends.

8am wakes up, prayers and breakfast
9am to 1pm work
1pm to 2pm lunch
2pm to 6pm work
6pm onwards shower, dinner, watch TV, craft or read and then sleep

No fixed or strategic timing or plan as it's all up to my fancy LOL!!!

How about yours?

Wednesday 29 April 2020

RMO: Day 43

Covid 19 updates最新消息 29/04/2020
New recoveries /新恢复 55
Total recoveries/总恢复 4087
New case新宗 94
Total Case/总宗 5945
New death/新死 0
Total Death/总死 100
Total in ICU⁰/总数在ICU 40

I'm not able to credit the person who created the above stats as it was shared into a WhatsApp group I am in.

Finally, phase 4 is out and we are allowed to go out in pairs for grocery shopping or doctor's appointment at any one time. However we must be from the same house and the distance should still be within 10 KM. It's a relief but it sure sounds a little scary, feeling a little xenophobic still for me. On the other hand, it sure is a good sign, meaning the lockdown could be lifted sooner, now in stages slowly but surely.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

RMO: Day 42

We have been cooped up at home for more than a month! At day 42, everyday has become the new normal at an even pace now. I'm so grateful that my family is with me and definitely thankful to still have a job. Taking one day at a time with a fixed schedule, this new normal has grown on me and I don't think I would want it to be reversed. LOL!

Monday 27 April 2020

RMO: Day 41

Gosh! Weekend flew by with a blink of an eye! Definitely too fast when I was just about to enjoy it! It was a wet weekend, cloudy morning and thunderstorm evening. Even my dog doesn't wanna go out as it was kinda cold with thunders rolling! She prefers staying indoors for the warmth and kept cozying up for sayang!

Anyway, back to another busy working week. Not sure if you have the same experience as me but my brain seemed to have problem capturing new info. I kept spacing out, unable to absorb new data. I forced fed it also unable to absorb and understand. Instead am feeling so lost. It sure feels like my brain is not aging well at all. I wonder why is this happening to me? How now, brown cow?

Friday 24 April 2020

RMO: Day 38

Muslims started fasting today. It is definitely a new normal for them having to spend puasa month cooped up at home and not going to a Ramadhan Bazaar to buy food. Well, on the other hand, spending quality time with the family during Ramadhan is much more gratifying if you asked me. Anyway, I think having love ones to puasa together is more fun lah! Selamat Berpuasa my Muslim family and friends!

RMO/MCO has been extended to 12/5/2020 as expected. I'm not surprised if it will be extended again to 26/5/2020, after Hari Raya Aidilfitri. We'll just wait and see lah...

Thursday 23 April 2020

RMO: Day 37

It has been a busy yet fulfilling week and finally, the weekend is near! Can't wait to re-pot some plants in my garden and to finish up my sewing! Oh and catch up on my reading too!

Anyway there was a power failure earlier on in the afternoon for an hour or so. Second one during this RMO/MCO. Thankfully TNB was prompt and acted on it quite fast since it has been very hot and humid. However it has started raining after that but the air was still humid and stuffy. Well, kudos TNB for acting quickly!


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